Victorian standing mirror by Levantiques
big size wooden standing mirror by Levantiques
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bridal standing mirror inlay with pearl by levantiques
classic dressing mirror style by levantiques
classic wooden furniture by levantiques
simple ornamented stand mirror by levantiques
simple pearl inlay wooden furniture by levantiques

مرآة سيجنورا

  • متاح
  • الجرد تحت الاجراء
  • شحن الى كافة الدول
السعر العادي AED 5,000.00
الأبعاد ارتفاع 185 سم | L 70 سم | W 65 سم
ح 73 في | ال 28 في | دبليو 26 إن
إظهار المزيد من التفاصيل

مرآة قائمة على الأرض ، مطعمة بصدف بإطار خشبي محفور.

تعد هذه المرآة كاملة الطول خيارًا مثاليًا لغرفة النوم أو غرفة الملابس ، توفر رؤية كاملة للجسم وتسمح بتعديل الملابس والإكسسوارات بسهولة. < / span>

يمكن أيضًا استخدام

مرآة Cheval في غرف المعيشة أو المداخل لإضافة لمسة زخرفية وإضفاء إحساس أكبر بالمساحة.

نبسب ؛

ارتفاع - 185 سم ، طول - 70 سم ، عرض - 65 سم


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luxury mother of pearl inlay white mirror by Levantiques
Large mother of pearl mirror for Islamic wall décor Levantiques
مرآة خلية نحل
AED 17,500.00
pearl inlay round wall mirror by Levantiques
Abalone and mother of pearl inlay peacock mirror by levantiques
مرآة الجنة
AED 10,000.00
Islamic home wall décor with iqra arabic calligraphy by Levantiques
iqra Arabic calligraphy wall decoration by Levantiques
ديكور حائط بالخط العربي اقرأ
AED 12,500.00
Large size Moroccan Mother of Pearl Mirror by Levantiques
Antique large Syrian mirror with pearl inlay by Levantiques
كلير ميرور
AED 25,000.00
Njoud mirror
AED 15,000.00
Muslim Islamic Arabic Quran Verse Decorative Frames by levantiques
mother of pearl inlay Islamic wall art by levantiques
ناس ديكور حائط بالخط العربي
AED 7,750.00

كتالوج جديد

كتاب المجموعة الكاملة

فئات المنتج

Frequently Asked Questions

A Cheval mirror is a free-standing floor mirror with an adjustable tilting feature, allowing you to view yourself from various angles. Unlike a regular full-length mirror, which is typically fixed, the Cheval mirror, such as the Segnora mirror, offers flexibility for the best view. Its intricate frame and craftsmanship make it a stylish and functional piece, perfect as a wood framed mirror in any room.
Yes, the Segnora mirror, with its elegant wood framed mirror design, can easily be moved and placed in various spaces. Whether you need a standing mirror for the bedroom, a living room mirror, or a long decorative mirror in the hallway, this versatile piece enhances any area with its luxurious design and full-length functionality.
Absolutely! The Segnora mirror is a floor standing mirror with a tilting feature, making it easy to move and adjust. Whether you use it as a full-length mirror for the bedroom or a mirror for whole body reflection in your living room, it offers flexibility, allowing you to reposition it to fit your space and angle for the perfect view.
The Segnora mirror combines traditional design with modern craftsmanship, offering a unique alternative to an antique cheval mirror. While antique mirrors are often vintage, the Segnora mirror features a standing wood mirror frame with intricate inlays and a fresh, luxurious design. It provides all the benefits of a floor mirror cheval but with contemporary elegance.
Yes, the Segnora mirror is a versatile long decorative mirror that fits seamlessly into any room. Whether it’s a floor standing mirror in the living room or a mirror for whole body reflection in the hallway, its elegant wooden frame and tilting design make it an ideal addition to both modern and classic interiors.
Yes, the Segnora mirror is designed with an adjustable tilt, similar to a classic cheval dressing mirror. This feature allows you to adjust the mirror’s angle for a full body mirror reflection, making it perfect for use as a standing mirror for the bedroom or a full-length mirror for the bedroom, offering practicality and style for everyday use.